Transportation Department
TUSD #4 Bus Transportation Map

Thatcher USD parents and guardians, please be aware that due to many school activities and a shortage of bus drivers we occasionally have to double up bus routes causing delays in transporting students home from school. We recently began sending notifications about such changes to parents/guardians through the remind app. We appreciate your patience as we make every effort to transport your students home in a safe and timely manner. For more information on receiving notifications through the remind app please click this link:
Please find the bus route that your child rides and follow the texting instructions below or if you are using the Remind program on a computer, you can join the class simply by entering the corresponding code below (starts with @).
The links below will allow you to see bus stops, maps, and pick up/drop off times for the High School, Middle School, Elementary School, and Primary School.

Sign Up to receive REMIND messages
Bus Route-PS/TK Text the message @thatcherbu to the number 81010
Bus Route- Blue Text the message @h9gc4d2 to the number 81010
Bus Route- Light Green Text the message @7kb833e to the number 81010
Bus Route- Orange Text the message @behg28 to the number 81010
Bus Route- Purple Text the message @3ffk76 to the number 81010
Bus Route- Red Text the message @7cd933 to the number 81010
Bus Route- Yellow Text the message @872ccfh to the number 81010
REMIND Messages- TUSD Bus Routes
Bus Rules
Riding the bus is a privilege. Students who are riding the bus must conduct themselves properly on the bus. We are concerned about the safety and well-being of all students who ride the bus. Bus drivers will warn the students when they misbehave. If further problems occur the driver will fill out an Incident Report on the student. If this problem is not corrected the privilege of riding the bus will be suspended and the parent will be responsible for the transportation of the student to and from school.
Students must be at their bus stop 5 minutes before scheduled pickup time. They must be orderly while waiting for the bus. Parents must not chase the bus down in their vehicle to load or unload their students from behind the bus. For safety reasons, students who are late or miss the bus must provide their own transportation. Students must never walk behind the bus. They will always be crossed in front of the bus.If a child gets on the wrong bus he/she will be brought back to the school, where the Parent will be responsible for transportation home. Kindergartner students will not be dropped off without an adult or sibling present. Students must be respectful of all property surrounding the bus stop. Students who damage school property or the property of other passengers will be required to pay for the damages. All buses will be monitored by video surveillance.
Students and parents must understand that the lives and safety of all students may depend on their conduct and strict observance of school bus rules. Students must be respectful and follow the Bus Driver's instructions at all times! There can be no horseplay, loud yelling or inappropriate language, eating, playing of music, use of tobacco or cell phones.
Bus Rules Cont.
Students cannot bring onto the bus: balloons, large posters, fireworks, drugs, glass containers, large instruments, weapons, skateboards, scooters, insects, animals (with exception of service animals), or any other items that would interfere with passenger safety. Please do not send open containers of food (cupcakes, cakes, cookies, etc.) or large items that cannot fit on your student's lap that obstruct the driver's view or be in the aisle. Your students cannot apply perfume or deodorants while on the bus. All sport equipment must be in their backpack or in a bag (ex. football, bats, basketballs, etc.) Drivers are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal items. For safety reasons, the bus
driver has the sole responsibility of making these decisions and following these procedures.
Students must stay in their seat and remain facing forward and out of the aisle until the bus comes to a complete stop. Students must not yell out windows and must keep all body parts inside the bus.
Daily bus routes are for transporting students TO and FROM their home address or designated stops to the district property, NOT for parties or get togethers.