THS Bookstore

THS Bookstore

Contact List

Students and parents can come to the Bookstore to pay for Student Fees or to purchase items such as an Activity Card and Parking Pass. We accept Cash and Credit Card.

Fees can also be paid at MySchoolBucks.


Payment Letter
MSB Log In

Click on the picture below or scan the QR Code to be directed to MySchoolBucks.

My School Bucks

THS Student Fees

PLEASE NOTE that fees are assessed on a per semester basis. All fees are non-refundable after the first 10 days of school for Semester 1 classes and after the first 5 days of school for Semester 2 classes.

CF= course fee       PF= participation fee

Woods I,II,III

Art Classes

Culinary Arts I

Culinary Arts II,III

Marching Band

Concert Band


Mixed Choir

Girls Choir

Show Choir

$60 CF per semester

$40 CF per semester

$55 CF per semester

$30 CF per semester

$20 CF plus $45 PF

$20 CF plus $45 PF

$20 CF plus $35 PF

$30 CF per semester

$35 CF per semester

$20 CF plus $100 PF

Other Fees

Activity Card

Parking Permit



Skills USA Dues

Knowledge Bowl







Sports: $125 per sport- Fee MUST be paid 1 week prior to the first scrimmage or game.

24/25 THS Yearbook

Yearbook- Starting at $65.00 

*Starting this year, the ONLY way to order a HS yearbook will be through Balfour.

Need to Purchase a Yearbook? Scan the QR Code or click the Link below for more information.



How do I know if I paid a fee?

How can I see my meal payments?

Can I get a report of how many times my children were charged breakfast/lunch?